With the world going digital, many business notary organisations' websites have seen the immense benefit of having a presence online in order to either create, build on deepen relationships with prospective or already owned clients. This digital shift has also seen widespread acceptance in different sectors of the economy and Notary Publics are not left out. This post will seek to bring to light, sample notary websites for anyone seeking ideas on how to create or build a notary website and also provide information for anyone who is in search of websites for a notary signing agent.
Notary Website Design Examples
1. Mobile American Notary

This notary website design is made with a static background of an image of an office stamp, with texts and pages gliding over it. This setting is to reinforce to website visitors the official function the notary club represents and acts in. On the home page is a bold caption of a disappearing font and a CTA button under it for visitors to contact them. The pages that follow give more information about the notary service and the areas they function.
Check it out here
2. Peter Baker

This is the website of professional notary in North London. It is a simple website with good color and image combination. Apart from the site headers that help in navigation, the ebsite only has a few graphical designs that only gives more information on the different services rendered.
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3. Pam Deol
This is the personal website of a notary public, probably designed using a sample notary website template. The website serves an an information unit for about her notarial services and how to contact her.
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4. Msc Notaries

This is a professionally designed website. The background image, color combinations, use of site headers, fonts and segments to give detailed information in an ordered manner lists it among the best notary websites on this list. Segment by segment, it gives details of the various services it offers and also includes a testimonial from clients at the strategically designed end of the client journey, which is at the foot of the website
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5. London-notary

Designed with the customary white background and blue fonts, this website has a clear brand message and CTA button on its homepage, so as to quickly convert web visitors who need urgent action.
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6. Attal-notaires

This is a website for a notary organization that offers premium services. The website is designed with a bold caption of who they are and an accompanying video that shows repute and class. The website's background color, font choice and color and graphical designs are simple but aesthetic in nature. Equally, the message content is few but strategic in passing out required information to the public.
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7. Rush Mobile Notary

This notary website design is quite different from the others in the sense that apart from it also seeks to educate web visitors on what the different services they offer are. It also has a section dedicated to testimonials from past clients. This website and its contents are designed with the customer in mind due to the fact that the contents reflect what the customers desire to know
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8. Skepsis Legal

This is the website of a ;aw firm, also involved in notary services. The website design and content is client focused and appealing, even as it is designed to give more information to web visitors on the three areas the firm is focused on. The use of bright colors and graphics, including the white background color that contrast so well, brightens the website and makes it easy for the eyes.
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9. Hauert Law

This is the website of a law firm that focuses not just on notary matters but also on real estate and helping small businesses grow. Owing to the three different services it offers, the website is designed with the homepage signifying what they are and a segmented second page detailing the three different angles of the business where a website visitor seeking information on any, can click on the link given and be led to that area of service.
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10. Second City Notary

This is a strategically, well designed notary website with. The website is designed with CTA buttons clearly seen on the site headers menu. Its contents is strategically aligned to take visitors through a client journey, of who they are, what services they offer, and clients testimonials. each of these sections comes with detailed information and a Call To Action button under each. The graphical design, choice of color for background and fonts align so well with the brand image.
Check it out here
11. Illinois Notary Pros

This website has a lot in common a few other websites on this list and seems to be built with a notary website template available on the web. Using segments to give detailed information about its different services, the website offers more information regarding the activities of the firm.
Check it out here
12. Ogier

This is the website for a multi disciplinary financial and investment firm involved also in notary services overseas. It has a simple design but rich website. The homepage of this website is designed as an image slider, with the second page designed as segments. The website also has a news and log section containing information about the business and its activities.
Check it out here
13. Harris Firm
This is a simple design website for an intellectual property Law firm that also offers notary services. The website is designed as a oe page website with headers to lead web visitors to different aspects of services the firm offers.
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14. David Notary

Updated due to Covd-19 forcing businesses to adapt, this notary website simply points web visitors to the different services the firm offers, with a site header for visitors to get more detailed information on the services they seek.
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15. Tawkeel

This is the website of a notary service provider based in Dubai. The website is designed to showcase the firm's best value which differentiates it from others, which is its digitalization process that speeds up the service process.
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